
In the statement, shared to McCall’s 1.9 million Instagram followers, Douglas said a doctor had described the procedure as being “textbook”.

Prior to the surgery, McCall explained how the tumour had been found by chance.

“A few months ago, I did a menopause talk for a company and they offered me a health scan in return, which I thought I was going to ace,” she said in the video.

“But it turned out I had a benign brain tumour called a colloid cyst, which is very rare – three in a million.

“And so I slightly put my head in the sand for a while, and then I saw quite a few neurosurgeons. I got lots of opinions, and I realised that I have to get it taken out.

“It’s big for the space. It fills the space. It’s 14mm wide, and it needs to come out because if it grows, it would be bad. So I’m having it removed via a craniotomy.”

A craniotomy is an operation where a surgeon removes part of the skull to take out the tumour.

“Get the cyst, empty it, take it out, Bob’s your uncle,” McCall said.


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