Patient counts in two outbreaks of Cyclospora cayetanensis have jumped in the past week.

Cyclospora cayetanensis is a parasite often associated with fresh produce.

For the outbreak of Cyclospora cayetanensis illnesses linked to a not yet identified product, the case count has increased from 2 to 21. The outbreak was first posted by the Food and Drug Administration on Aug. 8. The agency has begun traceback efforts but has not reported what food or foods are being traced.

Two other Cyclospora Outbreaks have been combined for a total of 44 illnesses. The FDA’s traceback information and epidemiology provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention resulted in the FDA combining the two outbreaks for investigation purposes. The agency has begun traceback efforts but has not reported what food or foods are being traced.

The FDA has not reported in either of the outbreak investigations where the patients live or what their ages are.

In other outbreak news, an additional illness has been confirmed in a Salmonella Newport outbreak, bringing the total to three. The FDA first posted the outbreak on Aug. 7. The source of the pathogen has not yet been determined. The FDA has begun traceback efforts but has not reported what food or foods are being traced.

In an outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium infections, the number of illnesses has increased by one in the past week, bringing the total to 89. A source of the pathogen has not yet been determined. The agency first posted the outbreak on June 19. The FDA has begun traceback and testing efforts but has not reported what foods or food are involved.

No patient information has been released on any of the outbreaks. 

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